A look at what your magazines would say if Bill Clinton received the Michelle Obama treatment.
This article originally appeared on The Good Men Project.
It’s simple. Let’s say Hillary does indeed break the highest glass ceiling. That would make Bill Clinton the first gentleman.
What do we get if we replace Michelle Obama from old headlines with Bill Clinton? Read these.
You’ll laugh, get confused and possibly cry a bit on the inside.
The first 9 headlines force you to realize just how exhausting and normalized misogyny is.
The last headline gives us a potential model for ways First Gentleman Bill could continue Michelle Obama’s work to smash patriarchy.
Why couldn’t a first gentleman champion efforts to deconstruct toxic masculinities and popularize more healthy ways of being for men?
Watch: Bill Clinton Wines and Dines with Islamic Royal Family to Celebrate Ramadan
From Relaxed to All Natural: Johnny Wright, the Man Behind Bill Clinton’s Hair
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What thoughts come to your mind after reading these headlines?
Header image: President Clinton by Center for America Progress Action Fund (CC BY-ND 2.0)
This post originally appeared at the Good Men Project. Reprinted with permission.
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