Millennial Week is probably the most #millennial thing to happen to this generation since the invention of the abbrev. It’s an officially sanctioned week of Instagram-able moments centered around the booming network of Washington, DC’s millennial population, celebrating the entrepreneurial and the motivational. It’s cool! It’s hip! It’s . . . well, it seems kind of gimmicky and totally plays into that infamous millennial ego. But at least it has good intentions.
The end goal is to connect forward-thinkers and create a more politically active, socially conscious and technologically progressive group of young whippersnappers.
The event is using its Beer Week-esque design to advocate for an involved generation. It kicked off with an awards ceremony for those who are defying stigmas by putting that 20-something energy to good work, and features a brunch (the fave meal for millennials) hosted by the Washington Post and a volunteer excursion into DC middle schools on Friday.
And hey, our highly criticized generation could use the boost. As of the 2012 elections, only 49% of eligible voters 30 or younger voted. I know it's easier to tell people standing outside the grocery store with a clipboard and an outreached arm that you're not registered to vote—rather than explain you're just trying to grab some dinner—but every vote counts. (As for me? I checked the “Obama” box last election and hope to check “Clinton” next time around.)
While this would be a great moment to drop in some trademark sarcasm, we're actually about to get earnest here. Millennial Week is an innovative way to connect the movers and shakers of tomorrow with each other and with the investors of today. Well played, DC.
That said, here are a few suggestions to make the event even more millennial-y:
- Selfie Station: How will everyone know how much fun we’re having if there are no pictures of it?
- Vintage Vestibule: Old-timey moustaches, Mad Men apparel and rotary phones only.
- Bro Brigade Parade: Cancelled due to widespread wicked hangovers and general disinterest from decent millennials.
- Fusion Celebration: A giant festive party open to anyone and everyone, highlighting racial ambiguity, androgyny, mixology and sushirittos.
Image: ThinkStock