News of wars, strife and heartbreak from faraway lands often feel surreal. The motives behind conflicts — like that of the black storm that is Russia's invasion of Ukraine or the ongoing brutality of the Syrian Civil War — are often muddled by the expanse between “us” and “them."
What’s left to be interpreted is a watered down version of the truth, and children can be left behind as forgotten faceless statistics.
In response to the outrage of kids caught in wars, Save the Children shifts the focus of war and national travesty away from tangled political knots and back to the those who are most affected.
#SaveSyriasChildren, tells an imagined story of the rise of a civil conflict that shakes a child to her core. It takes place not in a culturally foreign landscape, but in contemporary London where the average and familiar life of a young girl turns to turmoil—a life where daily pleasantries are ripped away and chaos becomes the reality. It makes a terrifying final statement: This could happen anywhere.
We sit in our homes, safe and unburdened by nightmarish howls with the luxury of a promised tomorrow. Meanwhile, it's shamefully clear that too many kids meant to be exploring the wonders of the world are left with heavy hearts and soot in their lungs, traveling alone through the darkness both abroad and at home.
Image courtesy of Save The Children Foundation and YouTube