We admit it: we can't get enough of the Craigslist "Missed Connection" site, in which the lovelorn post a message about someone they can't directly reach out to, but just can't stop thinking about. From time to time, these pleas strike the perfect balance between passion and anguish. Below are some of the best that have done just done that.
Shit's about to get real.
A Questionable Encounter
We don't know about you, but the writer had us at that title. The curve of that question mark speaks volumes for anyone who has ever over-analyzed a romantic (or casual? or meaningless? or life-altering? Ah!) dalliance. How can it be that two people can interpret the same event so differently?
Then, there's this aching line: "My heart still wants to connect with yours more and more as time goes by." Can they end up together, oh Craigslist gods, please?
A Secret Revealed
This time, our hero is a 43-year-old woman from Danville, who regrets divulging her secret to her love:
I still can't get past it. There are moments in life where I find that the truth should have never been said. So in this one instant, where Girl meets guy, is crazy head over heels for him, I should have not told the truth about the surgery. You ran from me.
I have been in a deep depression, because I know, had I lied, we might have been friends even now. We were incredible together. I have never encountered such a physical relationship, and truth is, I don't know that I will ever have that again. You discarded me like a used, broken toy. Most men would enjoy knowing that there was no risk of making little miracles. But somehow, I think it's why you ran away. You wanted another child. Something I would never be able to give you.
I miss you, I miss your friendship, what little friendship there was. I miss feeling like I was special. Even if for a moment in time. You always made me smile, and I miss that. The happiest I had ever been is when I was with you. So I'm sorry I was truthful. It's who I am I guess, and now I will miss the greatest love of my life, because he ran away from me when I told the truth.
No! Shouldn't the truth set you free? Isn't your ultimate love supposed to embrace the skeletons in your closet, and not flee?
Girl, trust us: you can do better. Drop this loser and move on.
A Girl Named "Kate"
This final heart-wrenching tale one was written by a man in Napa Valley, and is simply called "Kate."
I doubt you will see this but I sincerely hope that you do. For too many months we have seen each other on rare occasions and each time it leaves me wanting to see you more. The last time was most painful. The near kiss. Both of us hesitating. You falling asleep as I [laid] beside you. I awoke early and left. Kissing you gently on the cheek hoping you would feel it [and] remember. Hoping it will bring you back so that we can stop dancing around one another and start holding each other as we did that night on the patio. Your tears causing your mascara to leave traces of you on my cheek.
I drove your car so you wouldn't get a dui.
I left my number in your tablet before I left.
I hope you use it...
Kate, did you call him? He loves you! Even when seeing—likely—the worst of you, he wants to be by your side. Have you returned the feelings? Was there any hesitation?
It's hard to explain why we get so invested in the love lives of these perfect strangers. I guess, in the end, we just want to know that everyone finds what they're looking for. So thanks, "Missed Connection," for showing us that maybe, just maybe, there's hope for those suffering from the sweet agony of unrequited love.
Image: Hang it out to dry, why don't you. Courtesy of, ThinkStock