YouTube personality Davey Wavey has a mission: "spread a message of love, acceptance and the occasional penis joke." In his quest to encourage body positivity, he sought to find women who had never seen their vaginas before.
The goal? Find out why they hadn't peeked, and record their first impressions. He posted a Craigslist ad (?!) calling for such women. And rather than running for the hills screaming "It won't rub the lotion on the skin!" women actually responded.
Once filming, the ladies revealed an array of reasons for never sticking a mirror between their thighs, but there was one uniting theme: shame. The reactions aren't something out of a Dove ad because they're better that that: more genuine, less Hollywood coming-of-age tale. See for yourself. And, for the sake of Georgia O'Keeffe's entire career, take a look already!