It’s National Dance Week and we have been celebrating this week by bringing you a burlesque beauty, an international choreographer and a chance to win big (and hopefully shake a serious tail-feather.)
To add to the work-that-body! momentum (and help you get to know us a little bit better) we thought we'd share a few of the songs that get our toes tapping, our asses twitching and fists pumping.
Press play and just try to keep from working. it. out.
Jane says: Robyn — Dancing on My Own.
Aubrey says: Parliament — Mothership Connection (Starchild)!
Marisa says: Marvin Gaye — Got to Give it Up! (on Soul Train no less!)
Katie says: Paul Simon — Late in the Evening
Allyson says: Bell Biv DeVoe — Poison
Giana says: Neon Trees — Sleeping With A Friend
Nikki says: Men with Hats — Safety Dance
If you don't dance, then you ain't no friend of mine!
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