It’s Pride Week on the coasts, and we never miss the opportunity to celebrate alongside the LGBTQ community! To celebrate those fighting the good fight for equality, we've rounded up all the songs that represent pride to our Ravishly team.
Robyn Says: Fuck You Very Much—Lily Allen
Too obvious?
Flora Says: AMAZING—Hi Fashion
Revealing a secret crush here! This duo is pretty damn fabulous, and the song gets every party going, no matter gay or straight! I love the message—everything from my earrings to my bum is aaa-mazing, no matter what you people think. Something to live by.
Nikki Says: Same Love—Macklemore
I silently fish pump every time he drops the line "No freedom til we're equal/Damn right I support it." And the music video has definitely made me cry. More than once.
Katie says: We Are the Champions—Queen
It's an epic anthem no matter how you slice it, but it was totally written as a love song to the LGBTQ cause and how we can't stop fighting against sexual orientation oppression. And because Freddie Mercury is a damn genius, the words transcend the gay rights struggle—I think everyone loves to belt out, “I've had my shares of kicks in my face, but I come through!”
Aubrey Says: Take Me or Leave Me—Rent
Two strong woman saying, "this is who I am, you can love me or leave me?!" Yes please!
Giana Says: All The Things She Said—t.A.T.u.
These girls totally lied about being gay for publicity and that's uncool, but this song rocks. My 10th grade bestie and I used to listen to this CD on repeat, and the love and anguish in the lyrics really stuck with me. It made me want to run out and hug, like, 10 lesbians so that the singers would sound less sad. I think I missed the point.
Allyson Says: The Opening Scene—Birdcage
We Are Family! The Birdcage is my favorite movie : )