Elizabeth Laura Nelson

Elizabeth Laura Nelson


Elizabeth lives in Brooklyn with her two daughters, occasional mice and innumerable to-do lists. She runs a nine-minute mile, bakes a mean chocolate chip cookie, and can always be persuaded to get up and sing at a karaoke bar. Follow her on Twitter.

Elizabeth Laura Nelson Articles

Photo by Shanique Wright on Unsplash

Why You Need To Stop Talking About Your Relationship

Is it possible that talking about your relationship less could actually be the key to making it better? Sometimes, stop talking and just let yourselves be.

I do know that nothing is working out the way I dreamed it would when I was a kid. And I also know that at this exact moment in time, I’ve never been happier.

Nothing In My Life Is Turning Out How I Planned, And I’ve Never Been Happier

Sometimes you have to let go of your dreams. As the years go by, you come to the realization that who you are now is pretty much who you’ll be forever.

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

How Reading In Bed Together Can Be Hotter Than Having Sex

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

11 Subtle Signs You’ve Given Up Trying In Your Relationship

Researchers say that the average relationship hits the ‘comfort zone’ phase after 11 months and 24 days.

Is it hard for you to accept help when you need it?

Why It’s So Hard For Us To Accept Help From Others

Is it hard for you to accept help when you need it?

We’re still the same people we always were. Image: Thinkstock.

6 Things All Parents Want Their Childfree Friends To Understand

Yes, a lot of parents are assholes. But you know what? A lot of people are assholes; some of them happen to have kids, some don’t. I can’t speak for all parents, and I wouldn’t want to try. But speaking as one particular person with kids, here’s what I wish my childfree friends would understand…


To All The Women Suffering Through Anxiety: I Know You

We anxiety sufferers are good at covering up how we’re really feeling. You are not alone.

Does chronic anxiety ever make you feel like a flake?

Please Understand I’m Not A Flake, I Just Have Anxiety

Does chronic anxiety ever make you feel like a flake?
