We are one laceration closer to slaying the beast that is revenge porn!
Kevin Bollaert, founder of the heinous UGotPosted.com website, has been found guilty on 21 counts of identity theft and six counts of extortion. Serves him right, considering the site's sinister aim: allow men to post compromising photos of their ex-girlfriends as a means of twisted revenge (the images were mostly ladies, though some men were also featured). No fewer than 10,000 people were exploited on the site—a travesty when you consider that victims of revenge porn face shame at best and suicidal tendencies at worst.
Because Bollaert is a special kind of abhorrent sub-human, he also created the sister site, ChangeMyReputation.com. Here, women could pay a few hundred dollars to have their images taken off the Internet. You know, the images his other site solicited.
From a business standpoint, it's kind of genius. But morally? Absolutely despicable. As for legally, Bollaert is facing up to 20 years behind bars. Who knows? Maybe he'll start posing for pictures himself.