
I know in my heart that these feelings of failure will pass. I know that I can't expect myself to be a robot and be perfect at handling everything, all at once, all the time.

Rav’s Repro: Failure To Thrive 

Failure to thrive. It’s an awful term. All I heard was failure. In my mind, over and over, you’ve failed him, you’ve failed him.

Rainbow Baby Franklin by Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

The Birth Of Our Rainbow Baby 

He is FINALLY here — our rainbow baby is home.

I fell in love with him again because he allowed me to see everything and I was capable of looking.

Rav's Repro: Making Room For Your Loved Ones' Feelings 

As I began to heal, I realized that I had neglected to fully appreciate the grief those closest to me carried. I’m talking about my husband. And my son. And our parents. And our closest friends. Their bereavement was undeniable, yet it took me a moment to acknowledge that it was there.

Acceptance has been the greatest lesson of all.

Rav's Repro: On The Loss Of A Child And The Struggle To Make One

Rav’s Repro is a column in which Erin explores all topics related to reproduction and reproductive rights.
