
Learning about privilege requires three key aspects: openness, humility, and self-awareness. (Image: Annie Pratt for Unsplash)

How To Talk To Your Child About Privilege

Privilege is a complex term to grasp, even for adults. The earlier we teach it to our younger generations, the easier it becomes to understand.

How do I use my own privilege? Do I eliminate obstacles for others or do I take the easier route of deferring to the status quo?

How Do You Use Your Privilege?

How do I use my own privilege? Do I eliminate obstacles for others or do I take the easier route of deferring to the status quo?

I'll just get a new one.

Your Bike Is Stolen, And It's OK: Signs You've Changed Social Class

The other day my friend on Facebook had made a remark about how there are people who have multiple income streams and travel abroad constantly and drive cars and eat at restaurants every week and then talk about class privilege like they don't have it and in my mind I was like, Oh. Yeah. She’s right. In the past six months or so, my life has dramatically changed.
