
relaxed, smiling woman

What Happens To Your Sex Life When You Get Sober

Sobriety has been a wild ride, but my sex life has been a R-I-D-E. Read...
The young women interviewed described using fake orgasms as a tool to “escape” a situation in which they otherwise had no control. Image: Thinkstock.

Women Are Faking Orgasms In An Attempt To End 'Coercive' Sex

The tale of women faking the big O has been around forever, and is often bandied about as a joke. But when it becomes an act of self protection, it is a massive negotiation on a woman's sexuality.

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

Why You Should Never Compare Sex Partners 

I have slept with seven men: five bona fide boyfriends, one guy I was seeing for a time, and one one-night stand. According to Slate’s sex history calculator, which is based on data in the General Social Survey from 2006-2014, I have slept with more people than 53% of my female peers, which I think gives me an edge comparing the sexual performances of men.

Credit: Thinkstock

How I Found Sexual Empowerment After Rape

The key to moving on came years later, having been within my reach the entire time: simply acknowledging that I am a sexual being.

Courtesy of

A Happier Vagina: Here Are 4 Apps For That

These are the top four women's sexual health apps you need on your phone right now.


It's Official: Study Confirms Casual Sex Can be Amazing

People who like casual sex aren't actually deranged freaks. Is it time to stop judging no-strings-attached lovers?
