My dad died. I only know my own grief, and even that is debatable. If you’re hoping to comfort someone who’s grieving, here are a couple of things to know.
Read...More than any other unsolicited mental health advice I’ve received over the course of my life is the admonishment to “fake it till you make it.”
Read...This is your health we’re talking about, something often forgotten when it comes to treating that tricky organ hanging out between our ears. You deserve the right to a therapist who addresses your unique needs.
Read...It did not solve all of my problems. It did not make the reality of this deep hurt go away. But it did make me feel more like myself, which I'd begun to fear I would never feel again.
Read...Even when he was trying his very hardest not to survive, my Dad still gave himself music. And somewhere along the way, he gave it to me too.