
Adia Victoria: Southern-Born Songstress

Creator of grungy, gritty rock and roll with a poet’s heart, her critically-lauded record, Beyond the Bloodhounds, tells tales of a tumultuous childhood and split geographical identity.

I remember the body I envisioned for myself: “Strong-looking” (not strong), “toned” (not bulky), “healthy” (trim). Image: Thinkstock.

How Trying To Take Up Less Space Landed Me In Physical Therapy

I don’t remember when I started holding in my stomach. [...] It’s hard to trace a habit so ingrained that I don’t know it exists. Until I’m lying on a table and her hand rests at my solar plexus and she tells me to let go. I can’t. I don’t know how, or not yet.


Must Read: The Sunshine Crust Baking Factory

He was sleeping on the roof of ABC No Rio like me and a bunch of other summer campers and transients. It was tent city up there.


Tiffany: '80s Pop Queen

master of jean jacket-wearing. country music aficionado. still making music to dance to.


Connie Lim: Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter

breakout asian american artist. stereotype defier. defender of keeping it real.

Credit: ThinkStock

America's Next Top Pornhub Idol? Our Top 5 Picks For Official Pornhub Anthem

Pornhub has a record label. Line forms to the left, folks.


Mindy Seegal Abovitz: Founder of Tom Tom magazine

drummer. publisher. shit-kicker.
