Middle East

Charges Against Former Egyptian President Mubarak Dismissed: Is The Arab Spring Dead?

Hosni Mubarak is likely soon to go free, marking a bitter end to the exciting promise of the Arab uprisings.

Flag of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Courtesy of Wikipedia

Back to Iraq: Obama Authorizes 'Targeted Airstrikes' to Combat the Islamic State

Obama has labeled the Islamic State's threat to Iraq's minorities a potential "genocide." Welcome to the Iraq merry-go-round.


Thousands of Iraqis are Trapped on a Mountain Facing Death by Dehydration or Systematic Slaughtering

Tthe Islamic State militants (formally known as ISIS) have driven tens of thousands of Iraq's Yazidi minority group into the mountains.


The Israel/Hamas Ceasefire Has Already Collapsed

The U.S. and UN announced a ceasefire yesterday. . . and it's already unraveled--as if the conflict's death toll and destructive track record weren't already horrific enough.


Can Dating Apps and Kissing Selfies Help Stop Israeli-Palestinian Violence?

Can sex help bridge the ever-widening Arab-Israeli divide? One Tumblr page is seeking to answer that very question.


Can a Trans TV Reporter Change Turkey's Prejudice?

Michelle Demishevich is Turkey's first—and only—trans TV reporter. Can one women's visibility better the lives of LGBTQ folks throughout the country?


4 Gazan Children Killed: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is About to Get So Much Worse

A just-brokered 5-hour cease-fire between Israel and Palestine is unlikely to take hold. Sadly, if history is any indicator, the violence will probably continue unabated.


UN Report Highlights Horrors Faced by Syrian Women Refugees

From hunger and lack of shelter to sexual violence, the plight of the Syrian women refugees is basically a nightmare. A new UN report highlights the hardships and calls for action.
