menstrual cup

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

What Your Menstrual Products Say About You

Your period is a time for many things: comfort eating, getting into arguments for reasons you can't reconstruct…but it’s also a time to express yourself.

Despite how trendy you become or how much other women praise you, menstrual cups just aren’t for everybody.

Dear Menstrual Cup: Sorry, But We're Breaking Up For Good

Dear Menstrual Cup, we are over. Done. Finished. Finito. And not just because my period is ending. This time I mean it for good.

Can plus-size people use menstrual cups? Be prepared for a learning curve...

Can Plus-Size People Use Menstrual Cups?

Many assume that the menstrual cup doesn't work for fat people. So we're tackling the question, "Can plus-size people use menstrual cups?"

Image: Flickr

Why I Dumped Tampons For The Diva Cup And Never Looked Back

Whenever I rave about menstrual cups (which is kind of frequently), there are always some people who say that they think cups are gross, or that they’re uncomfortable putting their hands in their vagina to insert the cup and take it out.
