
Roxane Gay at a significantly less dreadful interview with Trevor Noah

How Mamamia's Treatment Of Roxane Gay Reveals The Fatphobia In Feminist Spaces

One has to wonder what they would have done if they had been trying to do it with a “mean spirit.”

Partner phubbing has emerged as a real relationship issue. (Image: Flickr/ Spanish Virtually)

Cause For Divorce: Smartphones Aren't Ruining Your Marriage

Smartphones aren’t to blame for problems within your marriage.

Image: Thinkstock

The Important Differences Between Anxiety And Depression 

This article originally appeared on

Thankfully, common sense has now prevailed in the Twitterverse and many other suitably-impressed mere mortals have now come to her defense. Image: screengrab.

Olympic Gymnast Alexa Moreno Has Been Called A 'Pig' By Body-Shamers

After competing for her country in the artistic gymnastics in Rio on Sunday [August 7], 22-year-old Alexa Moreno was taunted online by cruel trolls. Apparently, Olympic-level taut is not taut enough.

“Showing skin isn’t exclusive to smaller girls. It’s okay for a plus-size woman to let her body breathe in her clothing,” [Mariposa] said.

'We Wear What We Want' Is The Body Positive Movement We All Need

LA-based plus-size model Simone Mariposa has sparked a social media chain of women who refuse to let the opinions of others dictate their clothing choices. “Every plus-size girl has had to bear the terrible brunt of being judged/policed for what we wear and how we wear it,” she tweeted.

I had to find a way to be the mother I wanted to be without paying such a huge price. Image: Jo Abi.

I Realized That Empathizing With Your Children Is Horrible For Your Health

I was paying a price for how I was parenting my children. Even before this study was released — confirming that more empathetic parents can suffer health issues — I knew it to be true because I felt it, I was living it, every day.

I have no doubt it's uncomfortable for other people to witness racism, even when it's not directed at them. Image: Isabel Lo.

Witnessing Racism And Not Saying Something Makes You Complicit In It

Do you know what silence in response to blatant bigotry feels like? It feels really lonely. It feels like no one gives a shit.

I for one will be adding an extra two apples to my shopping this week.

Genius Teacher Uses Apples To Explain Why Bullying Sucks

One Tamworth teacher is riding the mind blowing wave of ‘going viral’ after a post she shared on her Facebook page has over 140,000 shares, all because of her simple and very effective way of explaining to kids how our words affect others.
