Luna Luna

I suggest that no story, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, is real. (Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash)

Fact And Fiction Are Different Truths

The more I read, the more I’m convinced that there’s no meaningful difference between fiction and the memoir we call nonfiction.

Innocent women are the prey for Dracula — showing that no woman is safe, much like now. (image via Wikicommons)

Dracula Is Really Just Every Rapist And Abuser You Know

What's more emblematic of the horrors of patriarchy than Dracula films and literature?

Where are all my autoimmunies and chronic illness survivors out there? I wrote this for you. (Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash)

12 Very Real Things I Learned About Chronic Illness

Like a lot of people with chronic illness or autoimmune/autoinflammatory disorders, I went through a dead-end labyrinth to get my diagnosis.


Fragmented Instructions For Half-formed Girls

Let’s say, hypothetically, that there are people on this earth who are currently saner than you.


Things Break Easily In My Big Hands: Fiction from Luna Luna

I wanted to leave a hole as big as me. Free up the space I’d taken, more than my share. If only that surgeon had cut me down to size.


A Deal With The Devil: Fiction from Luna Luna

The line that ended at her middle finger meant she was selfish in love. It meant she would never have real love. It meant love was broken.
