
The pain of losing my pregnancy has set me free from the patriarchal office politics that have dictated so many of my days and so much of my mental space.

Non-Mother’s Day: How My Miscarriage Delivered Me From Secrecy

I called myself “mama” for the first time on the morning of the day that I miscarried.

The things I learned spiritually — the coping mechanisms — after all we went through have helped me in endless ways during this pregnancy. (image: @MightyMooseArt)

Rav’s Repro: Managing Stress In A High-Risk Pregnancy 

Rav’s Repro is a column in which Erin explores all topics related to reproduction and reproductive rights.

I fell in love with him again because he allowed me to see everything and I was capable of looking.

Rav's Repro: Making Room For Your Loved Ones' Feelings 

As I began to heal, I realized that I had neglected to fully appreciate the grief those closest to me carried. I’m talking about my husband. And my son. And our parents. And our closest friends. Their bereavement was undeniable, yet it took me a moment to acknowledge that it was there.

image credit: Staci Sheets

 The Things I Didn't Know About My Rainbow Baby

A year and a half later, in 1995, I would give birth to my first living child — the child that the world considered my first child, that is really my second child. No one used the term “Rainbow Baby” in 1995; the designation didn’t exist. Even if it had, I had no “Rainbow Baby” to name because no one had heard the name of the baby before the Rainbow. The thing you don’t know about having a Rainbow Baby, until you have a Rainbow Baby, is the baby that is made after a baby is lost feels like so much more than just a baby.
