It’s not me teaching them, as if I’m the expert imparting knowledge unto them. We talk and look things up and explore and wonder and experiment. We learn together. I love that.
Read...It’s not me teaching them, as if I’m the expert imparting knowledge unto them. We talk and look things up and explore and wonder and experiment. We learn together. I love that.
Read...Having the ability to homeschool your children is a gift wrapped in a ribbon of privilege with a bow of opportunity on top. There is no need to pretend like this isn’t the case, and while we sometimes struggled to make ends meet, my mom was still able to stay home and educate us.
Read...I know sending kids to school is the most normal thing on earth. I know they are going to do great, and I know they are going to flourish. And I know it is only twice a week, and I am still the teacher the rest of the time.