
Top Twitter Hashtags Of Election 2016 (So Fun)

The 2016 election has, for a while now, felt eerily akin to 1984 (lots ‘o doublespeak coming out of Trump and his supporters). Or The Hunger Games, to take a more recent example of dystopian genre fiction. Wherein, government becomes solely about politics and the media spectacle, rather than actual policies and ideas.

Bonded in blood and hashtags.

The Dark Side Of Instagram: Bonded In Blood And Hashtags

There are thousands of photos, on Instagram alone, of bleeding wrists, razor blades, scars, and quotes about death. The captions read: “beautiful,” “the blade’s my best friend,” and “please don’t report me, I am such a failure.”

Credit: Twitter

Dear Corporate Brands: Please Stop Co-opting 9/11 For Profit

Some companies are even offering 9/11 discounts. Maybe #JustStop.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Race-Themed Hashtags Remind Us the Fight Ain't Over

The #dangerousblackkids hashtag is calling out ridiculous racism in America. Yet social media hasn’t always handled the issue with such awesomeness.
