dysfunctional family

My sister is an emotionally unsafe person for me to be around. (Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: My Sister Is Abusive & I'm Terrified Of Her

I'm afraid of her. I'm a successful, educated woman with a wonderful marriage and a great career. And I'm afraid of my abusive sister.

 I'm afraid my parents will choose religion over me. (Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: Will My Parents Choose Religion Over Me?

I just want something in my life to be happy and not dictated by some tyrannical religious presence. I'm afraid my parents will choose religion over me.

My parents wanted our family to be in high-threat mode because it kept us closer.

Take The Cake: Breaking Up With My Family, Part 1

More than lip service to an unlikely situation, I needed accountability from my family. Small things that required less bravado, but more work. Just before Christmas, I experienced the moment that made our breakup crystallize.

Had I known there were men like him all along, would I have made the choices I had?

When Dysfunction Met Perfection (A Love Story)

I grew up in a home with some undesirable happenings. (I assume everyone does, but my husband has made me question my assumption.)

Lucille in her best(?) times. (Credit: Facebook)

The Arrested Development Family: Insane, Outrageous and Completely Relatable

A fifth season of the cult favorite is reportedly on the horizon. Here's why we can't wait for more of this family's familiar dysfunction.
