
Will Nick be the first bachelor to quit the dang show?! (Image Credit: Instagram/bachelorusa)

The Bachelor: Rose Rage, Racism In Reality, & The Nickpocalypse

Nick's Heart: Is it Even Real?

Nick seems most happy when scampering tipsy across the sand. 

Love... and a whole lot of ugly history. (Image Credit: Instagram/bachelorabc)

Bachelor Review: #BlackGirlMagic vs. Swamp Showdown - The Fight For America's Heart & Soul?

Television has been a pulpit since its invention. And pop culture is like religion in that it can create and govern belief.

Corinne doesn't like shoveling poop. Where's the controversy? (Image Credit: YouTube/Anna Marie)

Bachelor Review: Red State Roller Skate & Poop Scoop In Nick's Hometown

Based On Her Persona, If Corinne Were A Man, She'd Be The Next POTUS
