I don't worship some appropriated feminine divinity or semi-European Paganism. I will talk about Black Magic, black skin and decolonizing white witchcraft.
Read...I don't worship some appropriated feminine divinity or semi-European Paganism. I will talk about Black Magic, black skin and decolonizing white witchcraft.
Read...It’s easy for folks in America to get angry but it’s incredibly difficult to get them to stay angry. To transfer anger to hope. And to participate in transformation. Then to start all over again with the next hashtag.
Read...Men of Color, especially Black men, have historically been coded as animalistic abusers and r*pists when it comes to white women. This stems from the idea that Men of Color literally want to steal and sully the belongings of white men. In turn, it becomes the “duty” of white men to protect white women — not because they truly care about white women, but because white women are the property of white men.
Read...Indigenous people throughout the world already face so many challenges; they don’t need non-Indigenous people appropriating their cultures and championing family lore as fact. The genocide of Indigenous people is an ongoing travesty throughout the world
Read...The danger of submitting to the false patriotic tranquility of the United States of Amnesia is Donald Drumpf. He reminds us that the United States of Amnesia is one of the most peacefully violent countries in existence, not only politically, but economically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually.
Read...Perhaps we shouldn't celebrate a man who sexually enslaved nine-year-old girls and rewarded his men with women to rape.