
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Your Childless Friends Are Allowed to Be Tired, Too

Ladies, sit down. We need to have a conversation. Childless women are allowed to be tired.  Read...
It seems like people are more interested in what’s going on in my uterus than what’s going on in my universe.

When He's Ready For Kids & Marriage And You're Not

It seems like people are more interested in what’s going on in my uterus than what’s going on in my universe. I'm not ready for kids and marriage.

Not having kids, but if I were...

The Best Advice I Will Never Give To The Kids I Don’t Plan On Having

If you’re in any relationship only for what you get out of it, you’re in that relationship for the wrong reasons. Really, it’s not about the other person either; it’s about the relationship. Like actors in a play, you’re there together to tell one story. It’s not about you. So be kind, be generous, be compassionate, be forgiving, and above all, be supportive of the relationship itself — not just the other person in it.
