
Are we just keeping an old flame in the platonic slot to act as a security blanket to come back to?

Can You Ever Be Friends With An Ex?

Once you’ve had an intimate relationship with someone, can you rewind and start again?

You have the opportunity to find true love — take it and run with it!

10 Ways Being Dumped Is A Blessing

You may be heartbroken because that asshole dumped you, but really - was he all that great? Okay, you had some great sex and some deep conversations, but the truth is you want to be with someone who wants to be with YOU. On that note here are 10 reasons being dumped is a blessing.

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Saying Goodbye To My Imaginary Ex-Boyfriend

Last week was my imaginary ex-boyfriend's birthday. January 2, to be exact. I only know this because Facebook told me so. I had forgotten about him.


Why I Tell The Truth: An Ode To Writing

It's a small life—a simmering whimpering song really—but I will not slip silently into the grass with you, I cannot.


Final Predestination: How I Escaped The Abuse

My friends were throwing down red flags before we even saw each other’s faces. And I should have been more mindful, and I knew it. But I was curious.


Things My Exes Left Behind: Lavender Lotion Scented With Heartache

I put the lotion on my skin for a week after they left, hoping that it would bring me stop-gap solace until they forgave me and came back.


Imperatives: A Flash Fiction Breakup from Luna Luna Magazine

We had moved in together fast. I brought a silver tea service and a Persian rug, student loans and a pair of ragged cats. We settled in like it was forever.
