
Once upon a time, everything your body did was magic to you.

Why Do You Hate Your Body?

Your body shows up for you everyday. Why do you want to mold it and change it and tell it it’s ugly or fat or saggy or substandard. Why do you hate your stretchmarks? Why is your belly, deflated after childbirth, the object of such loathing? Why are the breasts that fed your kids not enough for you how they are?

Once upon a time, everything your body did was magic to you.

Why Do You Hate Your Body?

Your body shows up for you everyday. Why do you want to mold it and change it and tell it it’s ugly or fat or saggy or substandard. Why do you hate your stretchmarks? Why is your belly, deflated after childbirth, the object of such loathing? Why are the breasts that fed your kids not enough for you how they are?

Body positive for everyone else...

I Never Know What I'll See When I Look In The Mirror

Like so many women, I never know what I’ll see in the mirror. Sometimes I catch sight of myself in a window and cringe, appalled at my own body.


From Old Navy To Viral Sensation: Interview With Rachel Taylor

"It’s about realizing that we’re all flawed, but also knowing that your flaws don’t define you."
