Aunt Ginger

Aunt Ginger: Let's Take A Look At The Big Picture

This week, Aunt Ginger wants to show you the Big Picture. Not that one, the other one.

An advice comic featuring the internet's favorite purple-haired aunt.

Aunt Ginger: Post-Election Survival Depends On Self-Care

The election is over! Yay? Not really, but at least we can take this moment to pause, breathe, and decompress.


Aunt Ginger: A Reminder To Unplug During The Election

This week Aunt Ginger reminds us that's it ok to unplug. Especially during this horrible election cycle. 


Self-Care Spoiler Alert: You Don't Do Enough Of It

This week, Aunt Ginger is taking a much needed sick day! Even purple-haired sex shop moguls have to slow down and remember to practice self-care.


Birthday Advice For All-Ages: Eat Cake, Be Happy

It's Aunt Ginger's birthday!


Aunt Ginger: Mammograms 4Ever!

Forty means mammogram.
