What are you up to today?
I'm going to work later.
What's your occupation?
I'm a data analyst. I've been doing it for about five years.
What do you like most about what you do?
I like that I can dig into data and help people. Help the business to solve problems.
How did you know that was something you wanted to do?
I think solving problems is something that I've always liked to do, but in different forms. Data, helping people move, different things, you know?
What are your favorite places to hang out in the area?
I like to hang out near Potrero Hill here. Mission Cliffs, Blue Bottle Coffee — I like somewhere more quiet, not like Union Square! It's just too much! [laughs]
What's something that's caught your interest lately?
I was trying to organize a backpacking trip for the upcoming Labor Day weekend — I'm trying to look for places but it's kind of hard to find a place that doesn't need permits and all that.
Were you able to find something?
I actually found a place that people don't need a permit for. I think it's called Kennedy Lake and it's up around Tahoe. Everyone goes to Yosemite and it gets really crowded. And with backpacking, you kind of want no one there — just you, a couple of good friends, and nature.
Is this your first backpacking trip?
No, it'll be my fifth or sixth time.
How was it the first time around?
The first time was really hard, it was hard core, oh my God! [laughs]
Where did you go?
I think I went to Big Sur, and I had to go downhill — I'm pretty slow on downhills, but with a backpack it was really hard. There were a lot of mosquitoes too and I hate those! But anyway, it gets better and better! [laughs] Now I can do it — it's awesome!
If you were to give anyone a tip about backpacking, what would you tell them?
If you're a beginner, mosquito repellent is a must. And then just try to reduce the weight of your pack. But it gets really expensive when it's ultralight stuff. Try to not bring so much food, maybe. You kind of need to bring dry meals like the Backpacker's Pantry, so you just need a Jetboil backpacking stove. I think you have to get used to it if you're going to do multiple days, because the food really adds up. The hardest backpack I did was more about the elevation than the distance. I went to Diamond Lake in Trinity Alps. That was so beautiful!
I also wanted to ask about what you're wearing today because I love the colors and pattern of your dress!
So every time I go to a city, I usually go to their vintage shops, not the modern clothing stores, but real vintage shops. And I always find good deals. This dress I think is from Seattle. Every city I got to, I visit a coffee shop and a vintage shop. That's just two things I always do. [laughs]