Spotted: Old Oakland Farmers' Market
What are you up to today?
I'm on a lunch break, and I'm doing some shopping so I can cook tonight.
What is your occupation?
I'm a rehabilitation counselor for people with disabilities.
How did you start out in that field?
I worked at a disabled students program in college while my mom had cancer, and it was a natural progression.
What do you like most about what you do?
All the humbling stories that people tell about how they became disabled, and how they're able to live their lives successfully after. It's encouraging.
Are there any stories that you've recently heard that have been particularly inspiring?
Wow, there's so many every day! I see probably 600 people a year because I do that at two different jobs. But there's quite a bit — there are people who have gone from having full careers to becoming completely homeless and starting from scratch, doing something very humble at a community college, and then accepting a survival job.
A survival job?
Yeah, a survival job after having made $100,000. Something just to be able to stay in the Bay Area and just — like I said, humbling stories! It's amazing.
Oh — so they had started out at a certain income level, but through disability, they . . .
They went through mental health issues, depression, lost their jobs, and then were out of work for 5-7 years. After that, they couldn't get back into the field because their field is so competitive.
What are some of the things you've seen that make the most positive changes for people?
I think a certain amount of grit and perseverance that has to be intrinsic to people. I would say the biggest thing — people who have not had everything handed to them have this survival strategy built into their being that helps them endure difficult times.
What is something that's caught your eye recently?
Everything catches my eye — it's just being alive! I was recently inspired over the weekend. I went to a Jehovah's Witness convention. I'm a Jehovah's Witness, and it really brought home some of the points that I was personally struggling with and praying about. And it really impressed me how every one of those points was touched upon. It was just amazing, like a revelation! That was just this past weekend, so this whole week I've been implementing these things.
Where are some of your favorite places to go in the area?
I like arts and culture. I don't live in Oakland, I live in El Sobrante, but I'm from San Francisco originally. I like being around people who are in the same place at the same time, but from different walks of life. I appreciate the energy of the city, and walking through the streets. I'm a total walker. I really like going to museums, and little independent art exhibits that sometimes just pop up in a rented building for a month. Just popping in, then having a glass of wine and talking with the artists is really nice.
I also wanted to ask you what inspires your style because I like what you're wearing today!
This wasn't put together. This was a haphazard morning! I didn't shave my legs so I put some tights on! [laughs]
Well it looks like it all goes together!
I know! It's so weird! And people have been complimenting me all day, and I'm like, really? I just tied my hair in a bun. It was kind of a flukey outfit, so it's really encouraging that you came up to me, I'm like, wow, no shit! [laughs] I actually got this dress over the weekend at Crossroads Trading. And I don't know why, but every time I go into that place I get a signature dress that I end up rocking for, like, two years. This is the most recent one. [laughs]
The sandals are really cute too!
They're, I think a French name of some sort — I bought them at Nordstrom Rack. They're super comfortable, too — that's the biggest thing. I've walked for miles on end with them.