Spotted: Embarcadero, SF
What are you up to today?
I'm visiting my sister. She's at work, so I'm just cruising around.
Where are you visiting from?
St. Paul, Minnesota.
What kinds of things have you been checking out in San Francisco?
Well, I got here last night at midnight. I'm going to go to Fisherman's Wharf, and then the pier to check out the ocean today. I'm also going to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. They only have one in Minnesota, so I hardly ever get to go! [laughs]
What's your occupation?
I'm a mental health counselor.
How did you start out doing that?
In college, I worked for developmentally disabled people. I then ventured into it because I have experience.
What do you like about what you do?
I work with people with mental illness and chemical dependency.
That's a pretty challenging situation!
Yeah, it is. Well I have bipolar myself and I'm in AA, so it's right up my alley.
Because of your experience, you must be very relatable! What have you seen that has made the most positive changes for the people you've worked with?
I guess for me it was getting sober first. Because your meds don't really work if you're drinking. I think that's the first step! [laughs]
What's something that's caught your interest lately?
I'm actually going to Vietnam in, like, two weeks with my friend. I'm hoping to stay out there and be an ESL teacher.
What sparked that whole idea?
My friend's been out there for three years and I've been wanting to go. I finally feel like I'm ready.
Any particular places out there that you're planning to visit?
I'm going to be in Ho Chi Minh City, but I do really want to go to Thailand.
So are you just leaving it open-ended and taking everything with you?
I'm taking a bunch of stuff with me, but I have a month of PTO. I'm going to use that up, and then decide — within that month — if I'm going to stay or if I'm going to go back to Minnesota.
So tell me about what you're wearing today! Love the combo with the bright boxy shirt.
I love grunge, but I also wanted to be comfy; that's why I have these shoes on. Otherwise, I'd probably be wearing high-tops. And I love Johnny Depp in Cry-Baby [shows tee with Johnny Depp photo on it]
The bag is nice too.
I love fringe.
What has inspired you lately?
I'm always inspired by grunge, hippie stuff, and then I also like my Kim Kardashian outfits.
That's a wide range!
Yeah, I switch it up. So tonight I'm going to wear a Kim outfit for dinner, but around here I'm just, you know, grungy.