image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart
Welcome to another edition of What Joni Loves. Let’s just cut the crap and get right to it.
What I’m watching:
Louis CK 2017. If you don’t love Louis CK, I’m sorry. Because he is AMAZING. The irreverence is so real. From abortion to Magic Mike, he pulls out all the stops in this new special.
I laughed until I wet my pants. I mean, I wet my pants a lot, but still.
What I’m NOT watching:
13 Reasons Why. And here are 6 reasons why not.
Sure, we need to talk about suicide. But not on Netflix. So just no.
What I’m Wearing:
I hate bras. The end.
I know some people like bras (I don’t know any of them, but they are out there), but I do not. I have some kind of weird thing with being scratched, poked, restrained.
No more.
Introducing this bra from Hanes. Now, I know I said I was giving up fast fashion, and I totally have. I tried ordering some pull over organic cotton bras but they just won’t hold these boulders up. This one though. WINNER.
At about $10 with no wires or clasps or anything even remotely uncomfortable, this is my new forever bra. Making this one fast fashion exception.
It’s not sexy. You know what’s sexy? NO BRA. So wear this one under your clothes, and when you want to be sexy, take it off.
What I’m drinking:
Water. All day every day.
This Hydro Flask holds 40 ounces of water. Fill it twice a day and you’re doing pretty good. If you love ice water, this thing will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Cold water for DAYS. Literally.
What I’m eating:
Bare Natural Apple Chips. I know, I know, you’re supposed to get your fruit in its natural form, but man these are REAL CLOSE.
Ingredients: APPLES.
What I’m reading:
By Light We Knew Our Names by Anne Valente. An excellent collection of essays. Worth of your $10.
Also, Your Money Or Your Life by Vicki Robin. A real look at what we want, what we need, and how to balance the two. This book is truly transformative. 10/10 recommend.
And there you have it. What are your recs? Share them with me on IG or FB.
Hashtag #RavsRecs for a chance to score your own copy of Your Money Or Your Life.