Ladies, we are are some serious badasses.
Hey hey, Ravishers! Welcome to Women’s History Month!
I don’t know about you, but I find it particularly divine that Black History Month flows right into Women’s History Month. To quote Black Rob — Woah!
For me, it’s like going to the grocery store and finding out that Ben ‘n Jerry’s Chubby Hubby ice cream is going to be on sale again! The deliciousness never ends! This is me for two months straight:
I think we can all agree that there is an incredible amount of power in being a woman. We run corporations, households, and our own glittery, mashed-up, sometimes-so-fucked-up-I-wanna-hide-under-a-blanket-and-never-come-out-again lives. And we do it as gracefully as we possibly can. And while we’re doing it, we have a soundtrack playing in the background.
There is almost always some song that fuels us through any shenanigan we’ve gotten ourselves into. Whether it’s a meeting with the boss to ask for that long overdue raise, telling our spouses “I’m through with you, boo,” or just trying to make it through the workout of death — you name it, we’ve got a song for it.
And because I’m nosey as hell, I’ve taken it upon myself to find out what some of your songs are because on the real, every now and again I need to kick ass too!
I went to Facebook and posted a simple question:
HEY LADIES... working on an article... can you tell me what some of your favorite "power songs" are by women? You know — those songs that make you feel like you can take on the world.... that "I'm a bad B" song.... List them here!
And O.M.G. y’all came out by the dozens! You’d have thought I was an Idris Elba kissing booth (in which case, all y’all need to jump back — that’s mine).
Song after song and reason after reason as to why these songs mean so much to you! I just about fell out of my seat watching them pour in — and the reasons! The reasons (said in my Earth, Wind, and Fire voice)!
Everything from “This song gave me the strength to leave my marriage” to “It makes me feel like I can break shit when I’m working out.” Amazing.
Ladies, we are are some serious badasses.
Here are some of the songs you offered up on the altar of bad—assery, and the reasons behind them:
“Bitch” by Meredith Brooks — My mom and I listened to a lot of Meredith Brooks' Bitch
because it came out when my parents were divorcing and it was absolutely perfect.
“S&M” by Rihanna — Beyond its potential to empower based upon sexual freedom/kink, it also kind of takes the things people assume weaken you and says, fuck you — I'm stronger now. "I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it" — she flips meanings. And the video just takes it to another level, with the imagery of power through controlling your narrative. Can't write a scandal piece if you can't make me feel ashamed. Also, as a woman who's had to come out to her mother and as a submissive the song holds a unique place in my heart. Trying to explain to her the power in submissiveness. Explaining to her my masochism wasn't any easier.
“Bitch, I’m Madonna” by Madonna — Honestly, the Madonna song list is a long one. This song, though, demands respect. It's kinda like, I've worked hard to get to this level and I'm gonna do what I want... ’cause, bitch, I'm Madonna.
“Superwoman” by Alicia Keys — I sang it to my daughter every morning and every night when we were going through rough times. It reminded me of how strong we can be as a family, just her and I. I felt like I was superwoman to my daughter and to myself. I felt ready to take on the world when I sang it.
“Rise Up” by Andra Day — I think there are so many times that as a woman I have to rise to meet the challenge. Maybe things aren't going well and it is easy to be defeated, but if I rise up, I am empowered. It doesn't matter what someone says, I know I can do it.
“Redneck Woman” by Gretchen Wilson — I love the fact that she is basically saying I am who I am and I don't need to be anything else for anyone else. Especially the line about never being a Barbie Doll or needing product labels…
“Burning Gold” by Christina Perri — it boosted my strength and courage to leave and start over after 13 years of marriage.
And y’all, the list just went on and on. Of course, asking this question made me think of what my power song is. I had forgotten all about it until I started getting these responses back.
For me, it’s two songs: “Girl On Fire” by Alicia Keys and “Can’t Give Up Now” by Mary Mary. Here’s my reason — bear with me.
Four years ago, my life was incredibly different. I had lost my job. I was a single mom with a child who has special needs, and I was living with a man who didn’t value my worth because of my weight.
I ended things with him, but things didn’t get easier. I was on food stamps, on the verge of losing my apartment and having our utilities turned off (it’s pretty hard to work when you’re taking your child to therapy five times a week), and had contemplated taking my daughter to an emergency shelter to adopt her out. The phone was in my hand, with the phone number on the screen. All I had to do was press Call.
I had hit rock bottom, and I didn’t feel like I could give her what she deserved. She deserved better, and I wasn’t it. I was also in the midst of producing my first children’s book, “Meet ClaraBelle Blue.”
Everything was falling apart, but that book was pushing forward, and it was the only thing I had to look forward to. I had to believe that if I could just make it to the launch date, our lives would change. I had to believe that. I listened to both of those songs every single day. “Can’t Give Up Now” gave me peace that this was not going to be where the story ended for my daughter and me, and “Girl On Fire” gave me the power I needed to keep pushing forward, because I was just getting started. One day I was going to be on fire. I don’t think I’m at 5-alarm level yet, but a spark? Yeah, I’d say I’m a spark.
So, because I love y’all like this fat kid (me) loves cake, I made you THE BADASS B(!) POWER MIX.
Yes, that is in all-caps, because when you say it in your head, you should hear it really loud, and with a kick-ass echo. It’s just. That. Dope. I hope you enjoy the fuck* out of it!
And do me a favor — tell me what your power songs are! Leave them in the comments and I’ll add them to the playlist!
Go have a kick-ass, power-filled day, y’all!
Click my ‘fro to be taken to THE BADASS B(!) POWER MIX
*You didn’t really think I’d write an entire article about kick-ass women and not say fuck at least once, did you?