Eryn Gilchrist
Damnit if I don't sometimes hate the internet so bad I want to murder it in cold blood and then five minutes later love the internet so hard I'd marry it.
A couple of days ago right-wing conservative Leslie Gibson had some choice things to say about Emma González, one of the Florida teens who didn't die during the massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School.
You said it was @gibson_house that said that?
Like, LESLIE GIBSON, the Tresurer of @AndroGOP? The guy running for District 57 State House seat? He called @Emma4Change what???
A "skin head lesbian"? #ParklandShooting#mepolitics pic.twitter.com/0q0YEZMCvL— Darth Mueller (@TrumanChapman27) March 12, 2018
Leslie has since apologized but too little too late, mister.
Either way, what happened next might be one of the best things to come out of this whole mess.
Leslie, who was running unopposed for a house seat in Maine, is no longer. That's right, the internet, in the way only it can, rallied to find a candidate.
Her name is Eryn Gilchrist and she's a 28-year-old Bates College graduate who lives in Greene, ME, and works for a medical device company. She filed her paperwork on Thursday. Eryn says she looks forward “to working hard over the next several months to earn the trust and support of people throughout my community.”
The election isn't until November which means we have lots of time to make sure Eryn wins.
And it's already begun:
Yoooo I can't find Eryn Gilchrist on Twitter or elsewhere (yet!) but if someone could let her know that @IGotHerElected would like to help her beat this ghoul and also that GHE is run by a fellow NESCAC alum, that'd be great. https://t.co/ue6S5MSGNt
— Lily Herman (@lkherman) March 15, 2018
.@MaineDems, can you provide contact details (website, Facebook page or Twitter account) for Democrat Eryn Gilchrist? @TheDemCoalition would like to boost her campaign for the state House race against the bigoted & homophobic GOP candidate, Leslie Gibson. https://t.co/GwSUrjeVO8
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) March 15, 2018
That Republican Candidate in Maine's District 57 who called #EmmaGonzalez a "Skinhead Lesbian" -- now has an official candidate opposing him.
LET'S GET THIS CLEANUP STARTED.#eryngilchrist #Maine57 #VoteThemOut #Enough pic.twitter.com/BWj1EXH75b— Lisa Zuckerman (@IAbhorPOS45) March 15, 2018