I have five children. At birth, they weighed anywhere from 7.5 to almost 11 pounds.
Read...It’s more important, and more useful, to encourage people to employ whatever modality works for them in their search for solace.
Read...As parents, I believe that most of us really are trying to do our very best. You will make mistakes. It's okay for your kids to say no!
Read...This is a hard time to be alive which means it's a hard time to be a parent. So, how do we raise boys that treat women with respect?
Read...School is back in, and with it, the onslaught of the weekly homework folders sent home brimming with updates from the teacher, worksheets, and reading logs.
Read...The problem with this kind of subtle stress is that it’s doing long-term damage to your body — you just can’t tell. Here are signs you need a hecking break.
Read...Taking screens away from my kids was no easy feat, especially for the kid who we so often need a break from. This is hard, but isn’t it all?
Read...Almost every one of the people who told me they regret having kids (either now or at some point) said that they felt terrible for feeling that way.