Love Lessons

image credit Joni Edelman via Instagram

What I Really Want For Valentine's Day

It’s nothing you can buy at See’s or Hallmark. You won’t see a commercial for it. Frankly, it’s a lot easier to buy a dozen roses on than it is to do the things that women have been asking for since the dawn of time.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Why Are We So Obsessed With Monogamy?

So why monogamy and not polyamory? Why not love as many people as you can?

You and your partner need to connect over more than scheduling and chore lists. Here are some fun ways to stay in the romance zone. (Image Credit: Mariah Sharp aka @mightymooseart)

11 Ways To Connect With Your Partner When You’re Busy, Broke, Or Both

This week in Love Lessons, connecting with your partner over something more exciting than laundry.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

#LoveLessons: 7 Steps To Stop An Argument In Its Tracks

#LoveLessons is a brand-new bi-weekly column devoted to the discussion of, yep, marriage. We’ll talk about how to celebrate it, how to make it better, how to keep the sex life flourishing (don’t have kids), how to get your partner to pick up his, I mean their, underwear (girls leave underwear on the floor, too.)
