OHNO CHIP AND JO! (image credit: HGTV)
You know what's a really lousy way to wake up? Having a drunk driver plow into your Chip and Joanna $240K fixer upper.
Not cool.
Ken and Kelly Downs (of Waco, Texas duh), featured on the super-mega hit show in February 2016, woke up to an apparently WAY intoxicated dude crashing through their livivng room wall. They weren't injured. The guy wasn't looking too hot, but that's kind of what you get for driving your car through a wall.
The real twist is that the Downs are mad at Chip and Jo (I mean, HOW can you be mad at Chip and Jo?) because they feel that the neighborhood was misrepresented. As in there is crime and it's kind of sketch and we didn't know.
Awww, Pumpkins. Did you get a house you don't wike in a tewwible town?
Kelly is quoted as saying, 'There's been a lot of commotion coming from the bars and the store across the street. It's been a problem from the beginning. We've lived here a year and a half and we feel deceived by the city of Waco and Magnolia Realty.'
What did Waco ever do to you, Kelly?
To be fair, I am obsessed with this show. I'm totally late to the game (per usual), but Fixer Upper is pretty much the only thing I watch. I didn't even know HGTV was still a thing until someone told me about this show.
I saw this episode (I mean, I've seen them all now, but whatever.) And even I was like, sure, great, the house is $35K. HELLO, there is a REASON FOR THAT and the reason is that the neighbors are hooligans and there is a convenience store right across the street. It's called "convenient" but that really just means "people are buying tequila here." Folks, when you buy a house it is your actual responsibility to be aware of where you are living.
This is what some might call "due diligence."
Perhaps you've heard of it?
Regardless, it's a bummer for the Downs that their living room is now a front porch. Maybe Chip and Jo will come back?