Jennifer Smith via Instagram
I don't read Buzzfeed very often, but when I do, it's almost always about someone on Instagram, that did something, that made people go "WHOOOOA."
Most recently, an article titled, This Crossfit Athlete Got Real About Transformation Pictures On Social Media.
First stop: What is Crossfit? It is some crazy-ass (and by "crazy-ass, I mean "something that's probably good for you that I would probably never do because it requires a lot of time and very serious commitment and also might make me pee in my pants") fitness thing that is the current rage. It involves lots of jumping (jumping = pee in pants), the lifting of very heavy things, and the throwing of weighted balls, against a wall, over your head (heavy ball over head = concussion).
So, Jennifer Smith is a Crossfit athelete.
Exhibit A:
Holyyyy Shit.
Recently, Jennifer wanted to show folks that photos can lie.
Exhibit B:
It appears that Jennifer has a food baby. I, too, have a food baby, Jennifer.
Both very fat, and very fit, people can have a food baby. Jennifer's looks a bit more like a 16 week food baby, mine looks a bit more like a 26 week food baby.
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I showed my sister, Raegan, Jennifer's photo, and she was like "OMG SHE IS A CHAMPION."
Why does my sister know this?
Because she's a Crossfit Athlete, too!
I've also seen this bitch (I mean, my sister, who I love more than anything) put away half a cheesecake.
My sister is a 29-year-old Crossfit badass, who is a published researcher with a Master's degree in Neuro-Bio-Something-Something-Science, who is about to be a goshdang doctor, who is also almost married to a goshdang doctor. I am 14 years older than her, so I've had the joy of watching her do all of these things — including lift several hundred pounds.
She looks like this:
Me (and my handsome son):
Aaaand my sister:
So what's my point?
I'm glad you asked.
My point is some people look like my sister (and Jennifer), fit as fuuuuck. Some people look like me, not so much fit as fuuuuck. And a lot of the time, pictures lie regardless of how fit (or not) you are.