Sandy Jorgenson
Sandy Jorgenson Articles
Based on my experience, I can tell you with confidence that there exists a list of perfectly reasonable ways to cope with that endless stream of bullshit that your kids are pumping out on the regular. None of this stuff is going to bring you the blessed satisfaction that comes with screaming out all your favorite swear words while you tear off your clothing in a fit of rage and flush yourself down the toilet, but until such a time arises, this list will at least provide some healthy alternatives to deep-diving through your city’s sewer system when you need relief most.
Read...I didn’t start out as a particularly easygoing person.
Read......[O]ur very responsibility is to equip them with everything they need before we shove them out of the nest and watch their wings spread far and wide... But what, then, is left for us?
Read...But what can be said for the day upon which I am no longer enough? I dread that day.
Read...This article is the second in a two-part series.
Read...Death, we know because it’s drilled into us from an early age, is a natural part of life.
Read...When I check on our daughter before heading to bed myself, I have to do a quick scan around her full-size bed just to locate her. She is almost never remotely close to where she started out. But she is almost always upside down, head jammed up against the wall or her footboard, stuffed animals scattered like confetti all around her.
Read...Anybody who has lived through those early days of parenthood (and let’s be totally forthright, here… those seasoned parents, too) knows e