Chris Huqueriza
Chris Huqueriza
Chris Huqueriza Articles
Damn nature, you scary!
Read...What would you do for $10,000? Think about that for a second. You could travel the world. You could buy, like, half of a (cheap) car.
Read...Lately we have been asking, "What is beauty?"
Read...Can you have the "perfect body" with stretch marks? How about loose skin?
Read...Taystee just got a little more amazing.
Read...It’s discouraging to hear that, in 2015, the media is still operated predominately by men.
Read...The hills of San Francisco are steep.
Read...Father Marlo Sarmiento and his 5-year-old son, Ollie, were watching an animated TV show about owls when an actual, real-life owl thumped at their window –– probably interested in watching the show himself.
Read...The Former First Lady of the Clinton Administration is setting up a dream team of diversity that would put