Work at home wearing what you want. Always.
Welcome To #RavsRecs, a look inside the lives (and minds) of your Ravishly staffers. Every week we’ll be coming to you with a list of things that are probably useless but definitely awesome. First up, your editor-in-chief shares teeny hamburgers and underwear.
What I’m watching:
Currently, we are bingeing The Man In The High Castle, one episode per night. We’re on Season 2, Ep. 4 now. Imagine if we’d lost WWII and the US is under Nazi/Japanese rule.
Yep, it’s exactly as horrifying as it sounds.
Choice YouTube-age:
This dude peeling some damn apples.
I have one of these peelers. You can buy it here. It peels! It cores! It cooks dinner (no it doesn’t). I can attest, it is as satisfying to do as it is to watch.
Current cosmetic obsession:
Mario Badescu forever. I recently switched up my skin care routine, because OLD. And Mario is what is up. But this? This is really what is up. What does it do? I don’t know. It’s smells good and it feels good and that’s all you need to know. The end.
Foodie thing:
Okay, so my husband bought these for the kids’ stockings, mostly as a joke. Because HELLO, what is even in there. Also from the outside, it’s not even clear if it’s food.
YOU GUYS, IT IS FOOD AND THE FOOD IS GOOD. It’s like a tiny cookie/cracker thing. What’s on top? I don’t know. I don’t care. What’s inside? Something not unlike NUTELLA. You can get them at World Market. Or, if you’re an Amazon addict (ahem), you can do that.
What am I wearing on my body:
This lingerie. What can I say about this lingerie? I can say that I just cleaned out ALL my lingerie and all I kept was the stuff I bought from Sandmaiden. Amanda makes this stuff herself (with help from her daughter), and it is literally the best thing I’ve ever worn. I’m wearing it right now as I type this and I’m not even wearing pants.
I also have this set, which ALMOST passes for outside wear (except I definitely need to wear a bra).
Those are my recs for the week. Eat tiny hamburgers and wear lingerie. The end.