Five minutes. PLEASE.
Exhausted doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling that us moms go through on a typical day, but add the word “holiday” in front of our daily rituals and we are completely wiped out and begging for our pillow.
- You are wrapping all the presents (and doing the gift shopping, for that matter).
- You forgot to shower today.
- You keep wondering where all the glitter is coming from and then realize its embedded in your skin.
- If you try to re-create one more Pinterest craft, you will down everything in your wine fridge.
- You just fed your family candy canes for dinner.
- The Elf on a Shelf hasn’t moved in a week and you have run out of reasons to explain why.
- You have no recollection if you bought your partner anything for the holidays — yet.
- You left your kid at the holiday school sing-along because you thought he was in the car with you.
- You have replaced your morning breakfast smoothie with eggnog.
- 15 minutes alone in the grocery store has become your equivalent to a therapy session.
- Your workout lately has been your marathon around Target on a daily basis.
- You have spent too many mornings digging pine needs out of your feet.
- You started buying concealer by the gallon.
- The magazine that you have been dying to read has been serving its job as a coaster this month.
- You feel like all your dirty dishes consist of wine glasses.
- You are considering wearing Depends because running to the bathroom is taking time away from your daily to-do lists.
- You can’t remember the last time you had sex, so you added it to your to-do list.
- You are counting down the minutes until naptime.
- The night you actually prepared dinner for your family, they all applauded — because it wasn’t burnt.
- You have 10 alarms set on your phone in the morning, because you know you will sleep through the first nine.
Can you relate? Maybe it’s time for a vacation!
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