Illustrious sicko/former American Apparel CEO Dov Charney left a mess when he was dismissed on charges of sexually assaulting an employee last month. Not only were profits failing, but the brand—which actually has some great clothes—was looking lewd as sin.
After Charney got the boot, it seems the brand hoped to turn the tide by revamping its board of directors. Today, it was announced that the retailer has appointed its first woman to the board. Ladies and gents, we bring you Colleen Brown.
Badass Business Woman Brown
Upon first hearing this news, I had to roll my eyes. Is this like John McCain selecting Sarah Palin for his running mate after Hilary Clinton lost the primaries in 2008? Just, you know, grab a rando lady and hope the public shuts up? Turns out, I was too quick to judge. Brown is highly accomplished and boasts a business pedigree that could help American Apparel right its sinking ship.
The GAMCO Management Hall of Fame inducted Brown into its prestigious circle, citing her strength in enhancing shareholder value with Fisher Communications, where she served as President and CEO. To be clear, the organization doesn't just hand out this honor willy-nilly, like free condoms at a public university. When running Fisher, Brown increased cash flow by close to 90% despite a previous five years of losses. In just three years under Brown, Fisher doubled its value. Before that, Brown founded Mobile500 Alliance, a digital TV broadcasting industry.
This killer resume gives us hope that the beleaguered clothing company can get its act together. As our slightly tweaked version of the old adage goes: Behind every great business is a great woman.
Image: More tights, fewer lawsuits. Courtesy of, Wikimedia Commons