Let's flashback to the early 90s; I'm 9 years old and it's my first summer at camp after leaving cold, turbulent Russia for sunny and then seemingly peaceful Israel. The summer camp is run by Americans—which translates to ubiquitous Beatles songs, M&Ms for lunch and a bunch of very excited American Jews "counseling" us in between.
And today it's tie dye day—we each get a t-shirt with the camp's logo on it, then dip it into various buckets with colored water, tie it in a knot, squeeze it out and hang it to dry. The next day, the now-dry shirts await as we start the morning. Mine is reserved blue and green, nothing rainbow-fancy.
I've slept in that oversized work of art until the dye wore off.
Ah, the glorious pitfalls of youth . . . and summer 2014. Surprisingly, tie dye is back in our fashion lives this summer, with every Resort 2015 collection featuring the technique, and every retailer copying it. From J.Crew to Asos, from Kenzo to Calvin Klein, it's everywhere—and no, it's not as hippy-dippy as before (the ombre look is a bit more sophisticated)—but still channeling the free-spirited vibe.
Trends are very clever—they creep into our consciousness and just like the smart writer-ly wife of relationship advice columns, make us think it was all our idea. Soon, you find yourself caressing an overpriced tie dye dress at Macy's like it's totally normal.
Stop. Breathe. Ask yourself this:
1. Can you pull it off? Not to say you're un-cool, but wearing tie dye these days requires a certain poker face, just the right "I woke up like this" hair, and an accurate amount of tan. Look at these pictures of Kate Bosworth and Jessica Lowndes. Think carefully.
2. Do you have the right accessories? Due to its connotations, tie dye begs for minimal, modern finished accessories—white sandals, silver bracelets, no headscarves.
3. Where are you going to wear this? Not to the office, certainly. If you have a pool party or a cool gallery opening in your near future, say yes to this summery trend. If we're talking months and months of grey urbanism ahead of you—avoid.
4. Is it going to last past the season? You know the answer—nope. This is why anything tie dyed must be purchased with the $100 limit in mind—unless you're Anna Dello Russo.
5. And finally—how big will you go? As with Aztec prints and gingham, moderation is key in cracking this tricky trend wide open. Opt for a cool backpack or a tiny top, and only get the maxi dress if you have answers for all the previous questions. A trendy nod to tie dye is great. A big statement is questionable. Unless, of course, you're planning to sleep in it for the next 10 years.
Images: Facebook