Remember that hat Pharrell Williams wore to this year's Grammy's? Don't even bother clicking that link (or this one), you know exactly what we're talking about.
Fans of quick n' dirty steakhouses collectively rejoiced at its Arby's doppelganger-ness and the internet meme gods danced in delight. Hilarious as it was, the hat was designed by Vivienne Westwood (Sex and the City fans, you know this name) which means it's basically more precious than something that lame King Midas ever touched.
And now, be still our ten-gallon hearts, Pharrell is selflessly auctioning off the hat on eBay to raise money for his charity From One Hand to AnOTHER (FOHTA), which benefits education programs for underprivileged youth.
Just how selflessly you ask?
At the time this piece was written, the highest bid was $14,500. I know a few (hundred) people who would be quick to pocket that check and book it for Sak's. But not Pharrell. Better yet?
FOHTA is a public charity, so it's considered a charitable deduction on your taxes. So, uh, wanna bid? Or - at least - fantasize about doing it? The charity is super rad. NASA is even a sponsor! For real. Astronaut Leland Melvin teamed up with Pharrell to promote the science-y and engineer-y side of education to these kids. (BTW, how cool would it be to hang with that duo? The singer of "Happy" and "Beautiful" coupled with a freakin' astronaut? Really?) Talk about lady porn.
We're all for promoting education and so happy happy joy joy! to see people bid on this (odd) charity item so here's the new fashion rule: wear whatever you want – stranger the better! – and then get ready to auction up those oddities.
Maybe you don't have $15,000 in your back pocket (who does?!), but you could snap up one of these as a consolation prize. It won't be laced with Pharrell's anti-aging witchcraft, but at least Smokey will dig it.
Image: http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4028/4304506118_6d0be15b47_o.jpg