Each week, we explore Hillary Clinton's universe, gleaning insights from rumor-mongers, pundits, pollsters, writers and more. Yes, the election is still a bazillion years away, but when it comes to the story of the potential first female president ever (!!), it's never too early to start the conversation.
1. Another week, another dumb Michele Bachmann quote -- this one targeted at Hills
Bachmann has a long and storied history of "she said what?!" quotes, and this time, she's aiming her insanity at Hills. During an interview with a syndicated columnist, Bachmann said America is "not ready" for a female prez. Granted, Michele is probably still smarting from her primary drubbing in 2012, but she's missing a key point: She and Hillary are different in virtually every way except shared female anatomy.
Case in point: In the same statement, Bachmann claimed that America only elected Obama because of white guilt, something Hillary (or any rational human) would never say. Oh, Michelle: America is indeed ready for a female president. They're just not ready for a racist crazy one.
(In related news, John McCain shot back against Bachmann by saying America would elect Hillary tomorrow if they could. McCain FTW.)
2. Fox News claims Hillary "is the war on women"
Bill's infidelity remains Hillary's albatross, actual accomplishments be damned. This week, Fox News interviewed a woman who claims she was groped by Bill, which apparently somehow means that Hillary has launched a war on women. Props to U.S. News World & Report for correctly pointing out, "Rather than talking about [Hillary's] husband's past, we should be discussing her future." Altogether now: Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. They are separate human begins. Good job class, you're dismissed.
3. Hillary used as a "weapon" in South Carolina Senate race
Bill Connor, who's hoping to usurp the incumbent Lindsay Graham in the South Carolina GOP Senate race, is running an ad that shows Graham (egad!) praising and hugging Hillary. The hope, presumably, is that conservative ire for Hillary is so rampant, the mere sight of Graham saying nice things about her will prompt voters to take their votes elsewhere. Warning to Republicans everywhere: Never be nice to/hug Hillary, because it can and will be used against you.
The Lowdown
All in all, this was a pretty tame week for Hillary: just the usual assaults from the right, but no major scandals or gaffes. The numbers land her in a very healthy 59 percent, and as it stands now, she's set to kill it in the swing state of Ohio.
What will happen next week the Hillary's universe? Stay tuned for our next roundup!
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