The Western front hasn’t quite been the same since Clint Eastwood showcased his senility last election. Yes, his son is ridiculously hot. Yes, Eastwood is a badass. You can’t really recover from talking to an empty chair though. That’s just … damn.
Until now.
Just a week ago, Eastwood lent the power of his 83 year-old grip to a choking friend and saved his life. Victim Steve John - director of AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am golf tournament - saw his life flash before his eyes as he choked on a merciless piece of cheese during the event’s volunteer party. Before the Grim Reaper had a chance to descend upon his soul, Eastwood sprang to action performing the Heimlich maneuver on John’s buckling body.
John survived. The tournament continued. Eastwood’s legacy was thus preserved – at least until the 2016 election.
Image: Eastwood looking dapper http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Clint_Eastwood_Cannes...