It sounds too good to be true, but a female-focused Viagra has been in the works for quite some time. It’s almost ready now . . . maybe.
Sprout Pharmaceuticals is leading the development of the lady lust enhancer. Sprout Pharmaceuticals was founded three years ago in North Carolina (out of parent company Slate Pharmaceuticals) for the sole purpose of treating female sexual dysfunction. Flibanserin, their non-hormonal take on Viagra (with a less-than-catchy name), should be available soon.
What's the holdup? Turns out the FDA is asking Sprout to run flibanserin through three more tests: two to see how it interacts with other drugs, another to see if it affects driving. With all the sh*tty drivers out there already, we’re cool with the FDA's attention to detail.
Just to be clear, flibanserin isn’t something your wild friend Jessica (that girl) would pop at a club. Flibanserin was created specifically to assist women with hypoactive sexual desire (translation: NO sexual desire). This can be caused by physical and psychological factors and it's hard to treat. If (or "when" for the optimists) flibanserin is approved, it will be the first of its kind.
Meanwhile, we'll be wondering: what ever happened to the man pill?
Image: http://img1.etsystatic.com/016/1/7800268/il_570xN.428015343_1gk8.jpg