You couldn’t hide from us forever, Mr. Grey. Mambo Italiano, ladies – the inspiration behind E.L. James’s sexy bestseller 50 Shades of Grey has been found! Or has he?
This foxy fellow is none other than ultra successful Italian real estate mogol Alessandro Proto. Naturally, Mr. Proto is just as smoldering as his name suggests (say it with us: Alessandro Proto). Mmmmm, just look at that those eyes of darkest slate … sorry, what were we saying?
Not only is his gaze seductive – Mr. Proto is quite the accomplished man. In fact, his accomplishments were what drew the parallels in the first place. Mr. Proto points out that Mr. Grey’s firm – Grey Enterprise Holding – sounds quite similar to his company, Proto Organization Holding. This healthy company has brokered home deals with mega celebs (we’re talking Brad Pitt and Madonna) and, similarly to Mr. Grey, houses Mr. Proto’s top floor office. Thinking it could be coincidental? Mr. Proto claims that he even drove the same car as Mr. Grey: R8 Audi.
Apparently, E.L. James met the sultry Proto when she toured Italy to write about celebs purchasing homes in Italy. Though the duo travelled from chic Milan to the panty-dropping views of Lake Como, Mr. Proto swears that things never got kinky.
“Everything that has to do with S&M is pure imagination, I assure you. I'm an old fashioned man when it comes to sex, I'm not into that kind of fantasies," claims Mr. Proto.
Is this for real? E.L. James hasn’t commented yet. But the Proto Organization Holding’s website openly admits that it wants attention. When describing themselves, POH’s site proudly eplains that they, “add enthusiasm and the boldness needed to confront any challenge in the best way possible and also making ourselves known through advertisements in the international media.”
Do you smell that? That’s the scent of a well-crafted publicity stunt. Maybe. Okay, there’s some evidence, sure, but remember how many Queen Bees came forward claiming to be Princess Anastasia?
Image: http://staticvosf5b.lavozdelinterior.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/l...