Ah. The glorious pitfalls of youth. Too much cold beer, copious amounts of pre-marital sex, skipping school to bounce your breasts all over the beach....
While this may not have been your 13-year-old experience (I think I was busy trying not to smell, not coercing cunninlungus in a sunset-strewn surf) but this freaky 'lil ad will make you think twice about disobeying the Man people. This sh*t goes from bliss to bonkers in about 90 seconds.
Sooooo now that you've sullied your soul with that charming piece of stay-in-school genius ... can we all agree this a PSA about READING SIGNS not ditching PE class??
"This is what happens when you slack off?" What happens when you print a sign thisbig about a pristine beach laces with landmines?! People get blown up. Sounds like governmental inepitude to me, not apathetic youth.
Aussies be crazy people.